Welcome to Loppington
Loppington is a typical small Shropshire village, situated about 3 miles west of Wem.
The village features a number of notable buildings. Our church, St Michael’s and All Angels, dates back to the 12C with various later additions and there are a number of houses dating back to the 16C.
Loppington House, the former home of the village’s principal land owners, the Dickin family, is pre-Victorian, while the Village Hall, run by a group of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers, was once the village’s own school.
History of the Village Hall
In 1842 and 1844 the Government brought in Education Acts to enable both boys and girls to attend school, particularly those who came from poor families. At the time Loppington had a small (fee paying) school supported by St Michael's Church. In 1851 Thomas Dickin of Loppington House, the owner of much of the land in Loppington parish and elsewhere, whose family had been established in the area for 8 generations before him, donated a parcel of land "freely, voluntarily and without valuable consideration" for a school which should be for "the education of poor adults and children or children only of the labouring classes....". Initially this school was managed by trustees and a committee of churchwardens including the Minister and was called Loppington National School.
By various Acts of Parliament during the last century Loppington National School eventually became the property of Salop County Council. The school was in use until 1982 when pupil numbers dropped. Just 18 children were photographed with their two teachers on the day of its closure following the Council's decision to amalgamate with Newtown School. Following the closure of Loppington School, Shropshire Council informed the great grandson of Thomas Dickin, Mr John Lay, of Wolverley Hall, that ownership of the school building would revert back to him.
For some years there had been talk in Loppington of having a Village Hall and in 1982, following a public meeting with overwhelming support, Mr John Lay kindly agreed to lease the former school to be used as a Village Hall. He also added part of a field which was eventually surfaced to form the car park. This lease was for a period of 50 years at a nominal rent. For legal reasons this was via the Parish Council, however the Village Hall was to be run by its own management committee. After several years of fund raising and building an extension the former school opened as Loppington Village Hall in 1988. It is a wonderful facility for the village and is very well used for many different events across all generations.
In 1999 Mr John Lay granted a new lease which included additional land to create what is now the playing field. With the aids of grants the Village Hall was completely refurbished at this time including relocating the kitchen and toilets and laying the parquet floor. At the same time the playground equipment was installed.
Loppington Village Hall and Playing Field continues to be a valuable asset to the village thanks to the Lay's family continued generosity.

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Loppington Village Hall
Hall Bookings
Jane Pryce